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SeaQuest is an interactive Aquarium (with other animals such as birds and reptiles) where one can view the various animals in the exhibit, interact by feeding and touching them. The SeaQuest location I visited was located in a shopping center address : 3528 S Maryland Parkway inside the shopping center. It was built in December of 2016.

The Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) found in the wild in the South American Rivers

Wolf Eel in the Dormant position

Mixture of Oscar Fish, cichlids, and even a catfish at the bottom of the tank

Cichlid information sign

Mixture of Oscar Fish, cichlids, and even a catfish at the bottom of the tank

Marine Fish living in corals. SeaQuest manufactures industrial sized filters and protein skimmers to help cope with the bioload of the saltwater aquarium

Marine Fish living in corals. SeaQuest manufactures industrial sized filters and protein skimmers to help cope with the bioload of the saltwater aquarium

PIranahas in SeaQuest often seen swimming in schools of 3 or more

Marine Fish living in corals. SeaQuest manufactures industrial sized filters and protein skimmers to help cope with the bioload of the saltwater aquarium. SeaQuest offers different tanks for visitors to see and feed. There is on site veterinarian that checks for health status' of the inhabitants, making sure they are properly fed, live within good water parameters, and do not suffer from any disease.



SeaQuest Synopsis

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